Best Brands College 2025

To underline the informative aspect of Best Brands, prior to the evening’s award ceremony there was also a congress during the day: at the Best Brands College from 10:00 am on 26 February 2025, high-profile speakers came together to discuss the overarching topic: ‘On the same page as Gen Z: How brands and employers can attract this generation’s talents’.

Hardly any other generation brings as much potential to the table as Gen Z. At our Best Brands College during the day our attendees learned about valuable insights from renowned speakers, relevant case studies and strategies that show how companies can authentically reach this generation and get them on board as employees. Top-class speakers provided exciting inspiration and practical know-how at our Munich House of Communication.

Host: Daniel Boschmann

Highlights of the Best Brands College 2025

Fabian Grieschkat - Keynote Best Brands College 2025


with Newsfluencer

Fabian Grischkat

Nura & Sehriban Cirik

Closing highlight

Nura & Sehriban Cirik Best Brands College 2025

Further highlights of the Best Brands College 2025

Speaker: Fabian Grischkat, Newsfluencer, moderator and activist

Skilled young workers are hard to find. On the labour and consumer markets, companies are vying for the attention of Gen Z, but their efforts don’t always hit the mark and are failing to meet the demands of these young people. What are the key elements of a successful recruiting strategy and how can companies attract the right talents in 2025? Newsfluencer and Gen Z expert Fabian Grischkat will reveal all and share valuable insights.


Further information about the speakers of this Masterclass can be found here.


Speaker: Petra Süptitz, Syndicated Solutions Leader SAI, DACH NIQ/GfK & Raphael Back, Research Consultant Strategic Analytics & Insights NIQ/GfK

Gen Z are much discussed and often misunderstood. But are they really the greenest generation of all time – or do they love fast-fashion more than they’re letting on? Are they hedonistic and focused on themselves, as they are often described – or are they looking for purpose and community? Are luxury brands a no-go for Gen Z, or are they experiencing an unexpected revival? And is it true that this generation prefers to dream than work?

Our keynote will focus on the biggest myths surrounding Gen Z and delve into the data revealed by our Best Brands study.

Find out which brands are popular with Generation TikTok, how values and consumption are merging together, and why authenticity is more important than the biggest discounts. And look forward to hearing provocative theories and surprising facts as we dispel the most common clichés.


Further information about the speakers of this Masterclass can be found here.


Speaker: Catherine Gouw, Executive Consultant, Brand Lidl International

With a sales volume of €125.5 billion and very strong brand awareness, Lidl is a hugely successful company. True to our belief “If you stop getting better, you stop being good”, we leverage our strengths and are constantly evolving our company with the aim of being everyone’s first choice. To achieve this goal, we concentrate on different success factors and the continuous use of synergies. Transformation – that’s exactly what it’s all about at Lidl. We are constantly developing, building on a strong foundation of values and making great strides forwards. Successful brands never stop moving – that’s our ethos!


Further information about the speaker of this Masterclass can be found here.


Speaker: Jonathan von Gutzeit, Senior Director Talent Attraction & Employee Experience Lufthansa


After the pandemic, the Lufthansa Group reinvented itself as an employer brand. By bringing more than 30,000 new hires on board since the restart, it has shown that a clear employer commitment and targeted brand development always pay off. But what really makes an employer brand stand out – today and in the future? A glimpse behind the scenes of a brand that is taking responsibility, connecting people all over the world and encouraging their growth.

Speaker: Christian Rummel, Head of Central Brand Management / Global Lead Brand Framework & Activation, Deutsche Bank

For a globally operating service provider, employees are key to conveying the brand message. After all, as its products and services are immaterial, i.e., neither tangible nor physical, they can therefore only be used to communicate the brand promise to a certain extent. And so when it comes to developing and launching a new framework for the entire company – from the purpose to the vision, the strategy, the aspired culture and the claim – special measures and ideas are needed that make the employees curious and inform and involve them.

“That’s our Deutsche Bank” – How to launch a new brand promise


Further information about the speaker of this Masterclass can be found here.


Speaker: Lill Brüggemann, Senior Managerin Business Development & Brand Experience bei Rügenwalder Mühle & Sven Labenz, Managing Director Serviceplan Culture & Alex Turtschan, Director Innovation Mediaplus


In times of multiple crises, Gen Z is faced with a growing number of challenges: a feeling of loneliness despite being digitally connected and an increasing digital overload are in stark contrast to the need for community. In ‘How to wow Generation Now’, Alex Turtschan and Sven Labenz from the Serviceplan Group with Lill Brüggemann, Senior Manager Business Development & Brand Experience of German sausage and plant-based meat manufacturer Rügenwalder Mühle, will reveal success strategies for authentic brand communication. Based on a viral hackvertising campaign for the concert event of 2024, they will demonstrate how content creators, fandoms and a creative social media strategy can help build genuine connections.


Further information about the speakers of this Masterclass can be found here.


Speaker: Johannes Beitien, Head of Creative Media Solutions & Digital Sales, Audiotainment Südwest Media GmbH & Mona Chaoui, Creative Audio Specialist RMS 

We’ll take you behind the scenes of a successful audio campaign and show you how to really reach Gen Z. Find out why audio is “social”, why radio personalities are now influencers, and how creative audio specials can cultivate true brand love.


Further information about the speakers of this Masterclass can be found here.


Speakers: Frauke Klos, Head of Employee Recruitment and Communication at German drugstore chain dm-drogerie markt & Dr. Hanna Proner, Director of Science, Talent, Education at Zeitverlag Gerd Bucerius GmbH & Co KG and Managing Director of academics GmbH

How can we fulfil Gen Z’s expectations when it comes to purpose, flexibility and development opportunities and what are the challenges facing retail in particular? In conversation with Dr Hanna Proner, Frauke Klos will provide insights into how the drugstore chain dm-drogerie markt is aligning its employer branding strategy to these requirements in order to attract the right talents to their company in the long term.


Further information about the speakers of this Masterclass can be found here.


Speakers: Alexander Krawczyk, Senior Vice President of Seven.One Audio & Managing Director of Studio71 & & Feli alias “Videozeugs“, Content Creatorin

There is a huge demand for digital, effective and, above all, authentic forms of advertising to reach younger target groups like Gen Z. Native advertising offers promising solutions here, with direct access and expertise in addressing and inspiring Gen Z playing a key role – with influencer marketing, for example, or via podcasts. What this looks like in practice and which factors are crucial to its success will be explained at our Best Brands College by Alexander Krawczyk, Managing Director of Studio71. In the second half of the talk, Krawczyk will be joined by Gen Z content creator and podcaster Feli (@videozeugs), who will be giving us an exclusive glimpse into the world of native advertising. Look forward to first-hand insights, best practices and valuable insider tips!


Further information about the speakers of this Masterclass can be found here.


Speaker: Nora Cisik, Marketing Manager BILD & Denise Mancinone, Head of Marketing DACH Snap Inc.

The media world is spinning faster than ever. Gen Z is a mobile-first generation that wants short, snappy content – anytime and anywhere. From snackable vertical videos on the BILDplay video feed to breaking news stories: if you want to appeal to this generation, you need to be offering information and entertainment in equal measure. With targeted marketing, we create relevant touchpoints that connect advertising partners with the young target group – authentically, creatively and effectively. We will show why BILD is an essential companion in everyday digital life and, together with Snapchat, is really striking a chord with Gen Z. Always straight to the point, at eye level and in a matter of seconds. 


Further information about the speakers of this Masterclass can be found here.


Speakers:  Nura, rapper, actress and bestselling author & Sehriban Cirik, Head of Hip Hop Amazon Music

In this dynamic session, moderator Daniel Boschmann leads a compelling discussion with Nura, a boundary-breaking rapper, and Sehriban Cirik, Head of Hip Hop at Amazon Music, about Hip-Hop as more than just a genre—it's a universal mindset that evolves with and for youth culture. The panel explores how Hip-Hop’s core values—authenticity, resilience, and creativity—act as a bridge to connect with Gen Z and beyond, showcasing the movement’s ability to stay relevant across generations. By redefining what Hip-Hop means, the conversation highlights its multifaceted nature, encompassing elements far beyond rap music, including fashion, dance, and a shared cultural ethos.


Further information about the speakers of this Masterclass can be found here.


Highlights from the Best Brands College 2025
