The Think Thank for Italy’s Leading Brands
Founded in October 2021, the Best Brands Club was created to satisfy the demands of numerous Best Brands seeking to analyze and comprehend the data behind their rankings and the reasons for their market positions. The top brands in the Best Brands rankings are encouraged to develop strategies for achieving and maintaining the status of a Best Brand.
This initiative provides a distinctive opportunity for dialogue on Italy’s economic and branding system, orchestrated by the Serviceplan Group and NIQ/GfK, with support from 24 ORE System and Rai Pubblicità, and endorsed by UPA - Utenti Pubblicità Associati.
Building brand culture for the marketers of the future
The knowledge developed through the Club’s meetings facilitates the annual publication of a book detailing brand strength, edited by Giampaolo Colletti, a journalist, author, contributor to Il Sole 24 ORE, Director of StartupItalia, and moderator of the Club’s meetings.