Best Brands

21 March 2024


Building Best Brands with Serviceplan & GfK

At the heart of the collaboration between Serviceplan and GfK – An NIQ Company – lies a shared passion for crafting and nurturing brands that captivate consumers and drive success. These are the brands we proudly call 'the Best Brands' – the ones that spark emotions and leave a lasting impression.

Together, we delve into the emotional and social bonds consumers form with your brand and its competitors. By analyzing active brand equity, we gain insights into current and future brand performance, while also uncovering latent brand equity to unlock new growth opportunities. Using advanced modeling techniques, we explore how brand image and experiences influence consumer relationships and overall success.

The result? Enhanced client KPIs, deeper insights into consumer behavior, improved brand performance, higher customer acquisition and retention rates, and the ability to forecast future success.

Highlight Review 2024

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